Order Form - #82124 & #82029 Domain Email Setup - Step 1 of 5 WHY YOU FILL THIS FORM Provide to us the relevant information for Domain Email Setup | Email Signature Setup |Gmail Linking Domain Email. HOW TO USE THIS FORM 1. You will receive the summary of what you have filled immediately after you have submitted the form. In case you find you fill in something wrongly, simply click the "Go Back" button in the top left corner of the browser. You will find all the value you wrote are still inside the field. 2. If there are too many information that you cannot fill in the form in one time, you can submit the information of your company by separating as many entries as you want. 3. Fill in only the blank that you think is relevant to you. 4. Please create a NEW ENTRY of this Form for EACH DOMAIN Email Address you want to setup. FORM INDEX [A] Required Information [B] Email Address Information [C] Email Signature [D] POP3 / SMTP Setting [E] Linking Gmail With Domain Email (Work Mail) [A] Required Information[A.1] Company | Brand Name *Company Name or Brand Name which the filling information is relating to.[A.2] Filler Full Name *Full Name of the person who fill in this form[A.3] Filler Email *The Email of the person who fill in this formNext[B] Domain Email Address InformationPlease create a new entry for EACH DOMAIN Email Address that you want to create[B.1] URL of Your Email Address VendorWhere you apply for the Domain Email Address Service. It will normally same as your Web Hosting Vendor[B.2] Email Plan NameWhat Email Plan you are subscribing[B.3] Email Address You Want To Create[B.4] Preferring PasswordPlease contain at least one element in each of the following group : (i) [a-z] (ii) [A-Z] (iii) (0-9) (iv) (_?!-)[B.5] Forwarding Email AddressThe Another Email Address which will always receive the Email sent to your Domain Email.[B.6] Email Size (In MB)Max capacity (In MB) your Email Address can receive.PreviousNext[C] Email SignatureThe content in this session below will show in your Email Signature. If you want to show multi-language for each field, write both Language Version below.[C.1] Full Name[C.2] Designation[C.3] Job Title[C.4] Direct Line Tel[C.5] HK Mobile No.[C.6] HK Mobile No. - Social IDLinked with WhatsappLinked with WeChatIf you are using same HK Mobile No. for the Social ID.[C.7] CN Mobile No.[C.8] CN Mobile Number - Social IDLinked with WhatsappLinked with WeChatIf you are using same CN Mobile No. for the Social ID.[C.9] Company Name Company Name that you want to show in your Email Signature[C.10] Company Website[C.11] Company Address[C.12] Company Tel[C.13] Company Fax[C.14] URL of Company Social ID(s)Please provide the URL of your Social ID(s)[C.15] Tagline | SloganTC Tagline or Slogan of your company.[C.16] URL of Email Disclaimer DocumentThe URL of the Email Disclaimer Document.[C.17] Others Text ContentAny other content you want to show in your Email Signature. We will show EXACTLY the content of what you type.[C.18] URL of Other ImagesIf you want to put any Image inside the Email Address, Please provide the link of the Images in Google Drive | One Drive | Dropbox[C.19] Others Design RequirementAny other Design Requirement you want to show in your Email Signature. PreviousNext[D] POP3 / SMTP Setting[D.1] Have You Applied SMTP Service-- Please Select --YesNo[D.2] Webmail - URLThe URL where you check the email in the browser[D.4] Webmail - Login[D.5] Webmail - PasswordCase Sensitive[D.6] Email Control Panel - URLThe Control Panel where you setup an Email Address. It may be same as the Web Hosting's Control Panel[D.7] Email Control Panel - User AccountCase Sensitive.[D.8] Email Control Panel - Domain Name (Or User Name)Case Sensitive.[D.9] Email Control Panel - PasswordCase Sensitive.[D.10] SMTP Port-- Please Select --2510252025[D.11] SMTP Server Name[D.12] SMTP Server - Login (User ID)Case Sensitive.[D.13] SMTP Server - PasswordCase Sensitive.[D.14] SSL Port-- Please Select --465Normally, the answer will be 465[D.15] POP3 Server NameCase Sensitive[D.16] POP3 Server - Login (User ID)Case Sensitive.[D.17] POP3 Server - PasswordCase Sensitive.PreviousNext[E] Linking Gmail With Domain Email (Work Mail)#82029[E.1] Gmail Address that you want to link upYou can login your Gmail via www.gmail.com[E.2] Gmail - PasswordIf you don't want to or cannot provide to us, please write here.[E.3] Client Notifying EmailSend to this Email to notify the client the newly created Gmail | Work Email Login Info.PreviousNameSubmit