
1. To assign Facebook Business Manager Access Rights – Root from Client to DDM


1. Client


1. Client should already have Facebook Business Manager Account


1. Access Rights of Facebook Business Manager Account and Facebook Page Admin and Facebook Ads ID Admin are 3 different concepts. We will still need your Facebook Business Manager Account even though you have already assigned Facebook Page Admin rights to us.


1. Facebook Account Integration with Shopify
2. Whatsapp Business API setup

Assign Facebook Business Manager Access Right Step By Step Guideline

1. [[ https://business.facebook.com/ ]]

You are !!NOT!! supposed to setup a new Facebook Business Manager Account. If you go to the link and find you didn’t login the Facebook Business Manager Account that you already have, please raise out.

2. [[ Users ]] > [[ People ]] > [[ Add ]]

3. Step 3

a. [[ Enter Email Address ]] = jan@diamonddm.com.hk 
b. [[ Admin Access ]] = Yes
c. [[ Next ]]
4. Step 4
a. [[ Pages ]] > [[ Select Assets ]] > [[ << Enter Your Facebook Page>> ]]
b. [[ Admin Access ]] > [[ Manage Page ]] = Yes
c. [[ Invite ]]

5. [[ Done ]]

6. Step 6
a. [[ Users ]] > [[ People ]] 
b. [[ <<Enter The Person you just invited>>]] 
c. [[ Resend ]]
7. Step 7
a. [[ Copy ]] the URL
b. Send !!BY YOUR EMAIL!! the newly copied URL to info@diamonddm.com.hk (With the Email Title : FB Business Manager Access Rights Assign)

8. Done