#82148 - Google Console Access Rights Assign Guide


  • Client or Marketer


  • Assign Google Console Access Rights – Full to others


  • Have a Google Console Account (#82023)

Step By Step Guideline

    1. Login Google Console by https://search.google.com/search-console/about
    2. [[ Home ]]
    3. [[ Left Sidebar]] > Choose any one of the properties
      1. for example: www.your-website.com.hk
    4. [[ Setting ]]
    5. [[ Manage Property ]]
    6. [[ Users and Permission ]]
    7. [[ Add or Remove User ]]
    8. [[ Add a New User ]]
    9. Input User Email [[ diamonddmext@gmail.com ]]
    10. Permission [[ Full ]]
    11. [[ Add ]]
    12. Do Step 3 to 9 in !!EACH!! of your properties
    13. Done