TEAMWORK (teamwork.com) is a Project Management System Software (Both Desktop and APP Version) used within DDM to co-operate among DDM’s Staff and Client.

It is FREE for the Client to use.

In TEAMWORK , you can


1. Read the [[Calendar]] and the [[Milestones]] of the Project

2. Read | Reply | Comment the [[Tasks]] under the [[Task List]] Public To Client.

3. Read #1 and #2 in either your Desktop or Smartphone (as there is APP version for the TEAMWORK)

Installation and Setup STEP BY STEP

1. Download APP TEAMWORK in APP Store (for your smartphone)



2. You should have received an Email (sent by Email do-not-reply@teamwork.com)

3.  Standard User  rights is assigned to you in the Project. You are expected to see ONLY the Tasks which are assigned to you.

4. Press Get Started inside the Email.

5. Create your Own PASSWORD and press Finish Sign Up.

6. Please make sure you remember your PASSWORD  and you can always the login URL in our Website’ Menu Bar : [Login] > [Client’s Project Portal]

7. Once your TEAMWORK ID is ready, you may from time to time receive TWO types of Email from TEAMWORK:

(a) Task assigned to you. (i.e. you are the person who carry out the Task)

(b) Task which you can follow (i.e. someone will carry out the Task. But you may will be kept updated to the status of the Task)

8. To reply | comment in the Task, you can choose either one of the methods:  TEAMWORK ID is ready, you may from time to time receive 2 types of Email from TEAMWORK:

(a) Reply the Email simply by clicking Reply.  (Your reply will automatically be shown inside the TEAMWORK interface)

(b) Login project.diamonddm.com.hk and find out the Task based on the Task# 

9. Done