- Step 1 of 3WHY YOU FILL THIS FORM In order to build the customized Motion Graphic Video for your business, the information relevant to your business are required to provide to us. HOW TO USE THIS FORM Except Session [A], all the fields inside the form are optional. You can simply fill in the blank what you think is relevant. You can even fill in the form One field per each submission. FORM INDEX [A] Required Information [B] Project Expectation Information [C] Video Components[A] Required Information[A.1] Company | Brand Name *Company Name or Brand Name which the filling information is relating to.[A.2] Filler Full Name *Full Name of the person who fill in this form[A.3] Filler Email *The Email of the person who fill in this formNext[B] Project Expectation Information[B.1] Expected Project Start DateThe Date which the Client is expected to start the project[B.2] Expected Project End DateThe Date which the Client is expected to receive the deliverable[B.3] Presentation TypeVideoMotion GraphicVideo + Motion Graphic[B.4] Marketing FunctionImpression - Brand BuildingEngagement - Raise DiscussionConversion - Visit Our WebsiteMarketing Function(s) that the Video want to achieve[B.5] Content FunctionBrand BuildingStep By Step GuidelineStory TellingSKUs ShowcaseProblems AddressingCall To ActionWhat Function(s) the Content of the Video want to deliver[B.6] Promotion Object - Name + URLThe EXACT Name + URL of the SKU | Collections | Brand of the Client which the Video Content are focusing on[B.7] PlacementWebsite - Background VideoFacebook - PostFacebook - AdsIG - PostIG - AdsTvYouTubeFacebook - Cover VideoWebsite - VideoRMSGoogle Ads Banner-The Place(s) where you want the Output Video will play in. -The number of Placements you chose will affect the cost of the Video Production.[B.8] Aspect Ratio16:99:161:11.91:1- The Aspect Ratio of the Video (W x H) - The number of Placements you chose will affect the cost of the Video Production. - The Placement will affect the Aspect Ratio of the Output[B.9] Max File Capacity (MB)The Maximum Limit Capacity (MB) of your Output File Size[B.10] Output File FormatMP4HTMLMOVGIF- The Output File Format of your Video - The number of Output File you chose will affect the cost of the Video Production.[B.11] Video StyleOfficialRomanticComedyLeisureDynamicElectronicTerrorSimulateThe Tone and Manner | Presentation Style of the Output Video.[B.12] Background Music TypeNo NeedClassicalHeavy MetalIf Background Music is needed in the Video[B.13] Subtitle LanguageTCSCENTC + ENSC + ENNo NeedWhat Language is needed for the Subtitle inside the Video[B.14] Narrator LanguageCantoneseMandarinEnglishNo NeedWhat Language the Narrator is used inside the Video[B.15] Narrator GenderFemaleMaleNo NeedMin Video Duration[B.16] Narrator ViewClientBrandNo NeedWhether the Narrator speaks as a Client or a Brand[B.17] Narrator StyleDown To Earth - Flash BackDown To Earth - StoryDown To Earth - DescriptiveEmotional - Flash BackEmotional - StoryEmotional - DescriptiveNo NeedThe Tone and Manage that the Narrator speaks[B.18] Min Video Durationh:mm:ss[B.19] Max Video Durationh:mm:ssNext[C] Video Component[C.1] Background Music - SourceWhere to get the Background Music from[C.2] Brand Materials - Color ToneHow to decide the Color Tone inside the Video[C.3] Brand Materials - Font TypeHow to decide the Font Type inside the Video[C.4] Brand Materials - Logo FormatWhat Kinds of Brand Logo can be provided by Client[C.5] Client's Preference URLURL of the Video that the Clients want to refer toRemarkPreviousMessageSubmit