Domain Service Form - Step 1 of 10 WHY YOU FILL THIS FORM You fill in this form because we would like to know the information you provide to us for evaluating your current status | helping you to subscribe for any kinds of service relating to your Domain | Web Hosting | Email Address | Website. We will endeavor to protect the information you provided to us based on our Privacy Policy HOW TO USE THIS FORM 1. You will receive the summary of what you have filled immediately after you have submitted the form. In case you find you fill in something wrongly, simply click the "Go Back" button in the top left corner of the browser. You will find all the value you wrote are still inside the field. 2. If there are too many information that you cannot fill in the form in one time, you can submit the information of your company by separating as many entries as you want. FORM INDEX Prerequisite [A] Required Information Current Status [B] Domain Name Info [C] Web Hosting Info [D] Domain Email [E] Website Service Needed [F] Website Building [G] Domain Registration [H] Web Hosting Registration [I] Email Domain Registration [J] Domain DNS Migration [A] Required Information[A.1] Company Name or Brand Name *Company or Brand which the information you submit is relating to.[A.2] Filler Full Name *FirstLastThe person who fill in this form[A.3] Filler Email *The Email of the person who fill in this form[A.4] Filler MobileThe mobile number of the person who fill in this form[A.5] Contact Person - Full NameContact Person is NOT equal to the Registrant. Contact Person simply for contact purpose only[A.6] Contact Person - Mobile No.Contact Person is NOT equal to the Registrant. Contact Person simply for contact purpose onlyNext[B] Current Status - Domain Name InfoExample of a Domain :[B.1] Do you have a DomainYesNo[B.2] Domain NameIf you have more than 1 Domain, please submit a New Form for each Domain.[B.3] Sub Domain NameThe Sub Domain should matches the Domain you filled in [B].[2][B.4] Ownership of the DomainOwned By My CompanyOwned By MeOwned By 3rd PartyI Don't Know[B.4.a] The Registrant Name of the DomainLEGAL NAME of any | Company | Individual | 3rd Party | who owns this Domain[B.5] The Domain Vendor Company NameThe Vendor Company Name that you through to register your Domain. You can check with your Invoice.[B.6] The URL of Your Domain Vendor CompanyPlease Fill in the "URL" of the Vendor Company that you through to register for your Domain.[B.7] Login - Domain Control PanelLogin of your Domain Registering Panel[B.8] Password - Domain Control PanelPassword of your Domain Registering Panel[B.9] The URL of Domain Control PanelThe URL that you visited to login to your Domain Control Panel.PreviousNext[C] Current Status - Web Hosting InfoWeb Hosting is the place (i.e a Server) where you store the content of your web pages[C.1] Do you have a Web HostingYes. My Website is On Air NowYes. But I didn't upload any contentNoI Don't KnowIf you don't know what is a Web Hosting Service, think of if you have paid for any web site related service.[C.2] CMS NameI Don't KnowNo. I don't have anyMagentoShopifyShoplineWeb Hosting Company CMSWixWordpressWhat Content Management System (CMS) you used to generate the content in your web page?[C.3] The Web Hosting Vendor NameThe Web Hosting Vendor Name that you used to store your web-pages[C.4] The URL of Your Web Hosting VendorPlease Fill in the "URL" of the Web Hosting Vendor that you used to store your web-pages[C.5] Upload "Account Info Email"Normally you will receive an Email titled "Account Info" immediately after you applied the Web Hosting Service.[C.6] Web Hosting Plan Name | Paid AmountWhat Web Hosting Plan you are using | or How much you are paying now? [C.7] URL - Web Hosting Control PanelThe URL that you used to access your Web Hosting Control Panel[C.8] Login - Web Hosting Control PanelLogin of your Web Hosting Control Panel[C.9] Password - Web Hosting Control PanelPassword of your Web Hosting Control Panel[C.10] Login - MyPHPAdminLogin of your MyPHPAdmin[C.11] Password - MyPHPAdminPassword of your MyPHPAdmin[C.12] LocalHost Name - MyPHPAdminLocalHost of your MyPHPAdmin[C.13] Login - Domain Control Panel (DNS)Domani Name for the Domain Control Panel (DNS) - NOT Web Hosting Control Panel[C.14] Password - Domain Control Panel (DNS)Password of Domain Control Panel (DNS)[C.15] URL - Domain Control Panel (DNS)The URL that you access your Domain Control Panel[C.16] Web Hosting Database No.Number of Database that the Web Hosting supports to install a WordpressPreviousNext[D] Current Status - Domain EmailExample of Domain Email :[D.1] Do you have Domain Email(s)YesNoExample of Domain Email : Example of Non-Domain Email :[D.2] Suggest any one of your Domain Email AddressAny one of the Domain Email Address that you are using. [D.3] URL - Domain Email Control PanelThe URL you used to setup your Email Address[D.4] User Account Name - Domain Email Control PanelUser Account Name of your Domain Email Control Panel [D.5] Login - Domain Email Control PanelLogin of your Domain Email Control Panel [D.6] Password - Domain Email Control PanelPassword of your Domain Email Control Panel [D.6] URL - Webmail Control PanelThe URL that you used to check your Email in web[D.7] POP3 | IMAP4 Server NameReceiving Server Name of the POP3 | IMAP4 [D.8] Login - POP3 | IMAP4 Login of your POP3 | IMAP4 receiving server[D.9] Password - POP3 | IMAP4Password of the POP3 | IMAP4 receiving server of your Domain Email[D.10] SMTP Server Name Sending Server Name of the SMTP[D.11] Port - SMTP-- Please Select --254651025[D.12] Login - SMTPLogin of your SMTP sending server[D.13] Password - SMTPPassword of your SMTP sending serverPreviousNext[E] Current Status - Website[E.1] Company URL of Website Building VendorThe website of the Company which built your website. If it is an individual, just write "Freelance"[E.2] Based on Question [E.1], what service they provide to youWebsite Building - One OffWebsite Maintenance - NowWebsite Maintenance - End soonWebsite Maintenance - EndedDigital Marketing Service - StillDigital Marketing Service - End SoonDigital Marketing Service - Ended[E.3] Current CMS-- Please Select --WordpressMagentoShopifyShoplineWeb Hosting's VendorOpen CartHTMLCMS = Content Management System (of your website).[E.4] Login - Current CMSLogin of your Current CMS[E.5] Password - Current CMSPassword of your CMSPreviousNext[F] Service Need - Website BuildingTo know the objectives and the functions of the website you are going to build[F.1] Have you filled in the Client Fact Find FormYesNo[F.2] Choose the statement best describe the website HandoverI don't have website now. Therefore I am going to make oneI have a website now. I will keep both the Old and the New Website on air.I have a website now. Keep Old website alive during the New site ConstructionI have a website now. Don't need to keep Old website alive during the New site ConstructionIt will highly affect the cost of construction.[F.3] Website Target Audience - GeoLocal HKInternational excluding PRCPRCWhere will your website visitors come from? It will highly affect the construction cost of your website.[F.4] Website Language VersionTraditional Chinese - WrittenTraditional Chinese - CantoneseSimplified ChineseEnglishOthers (Please specify in Remarks)What Language version of website you want to have. It will highly affect the cost of website construction.[F.5] Will you place Ads to promote your website in the future?No. I will neverYes. FacebookYes. Google AdwordsYes. InstagramYes. WeChatYes. But Don't Know where[F.6] Functions you expect in your websiteBlogFAQ SessionForm - Contact UsForm - RegistrationService BookingPayment ReceiveEshopProduct Filter (No Transaction)FB - Show CommentFB - Show PostFB - Go To PageIG - Show PostIG - Go To PageMembershipGoogle Map - Shop LocationE-Newsletter SubscriptionLive Chat CSFacebook PixelIt will highly affect the cost of construction[F.7] SEO functions you expect in your websiteKeywords ResearchKeywords EmbeddingPage Speed OptimisationSSLGoogle Rich Card SnippetGoogle AnalyticsGoogle Tag ManagerGoogle IndexingGoogle SERPSEO functions will significantly increase the Google ranking of your website. It also highly affect the cost of construction.[F.8] Platform that you used to build the websiteNo IdeaWordpressShopifyMagentoWixShoplineWoocommerceDifferent Platforms have its own pros and cons. It will also highly affect the cost of construction.[F.9] Add-On Service You WantContent WriitngTranslationProduct ListingImage SearchingPhoto TakingImage ProcessingVideo TakingVideo EditingWebsite MaintenanceWhat Add-On service you want from us ? It will highly affection the cost of construction[F.10] Reference WebsiteWhat website(s) you want to show us as a reference? You can specify the features you want for each website in terms of Design Style | Functions | Layout.[F.11] Expected Start DateThe expected start date of constructing the website[F.12] Expected Publish DateThe expected publish date of the website[F.13] RemarksWrite anything that you want to tell us.PreviousNext[G] Service Need - Domain Registration#82002[G.1] The URL of Your Prefer Web Hosting VendorPlease Fill in the "URL" of the Prefer Web Hosting Vendor that you are going to register for a Domain[G.2] - Registrant Company HKBR SubmissionPlease Submit your Valid Company HKBR Scanned copies which (i) PDF Format (ii) Still in Valid. This Company will owns the Domain (i.e. Registrant) [G.3] Domain URL that you are going to registerThe Domain(s) that you are going to register. You can write more than one Domain and in priority.[G.4] Check Domain AvailabilityChecked. AvailableCheck. Not Available. Please SuggestPlease check if the Domain(s) is still available at[G.5] Year of RegistrationNo. of year that you want to register for at one time.[G.6] Anonymous Domain RegistrationNeed AnonymousUnanonymous- If Anonymous is chosen , the Registrant's Info will not be searched and checked by General Public.[G.6] How many Sub Domain do you need?0123Example of Subdomain : eshop.MyCompany.coom[G.7] Preferring Sub-domain Name(s)Sub Domain(s) that you want to setup.[G.8] What Web Hosting your Domain will point to?Web Hosting that I am registeringExisting Web HostingShopifyShopline[G.9] What Web Hosting your Sub Domain will point to? (copy)Web Hosting that I am registeringExisting Web HostingShopifyShopline[G.10] Domain | Subdomain Name you need to install SSLSSL Certificate will make your website more secure and rank higher in Google Search Engine.PreviousNext[H] - Service Need - Web Hosting Registration#82069[H.1] No. of Additional MySQL Database is needed to applyDefault you will have at least 1 Database. If your website is (1) Mulit-Lang Wordpress Site, or (2) Multi-Domain Pointing, you need more an Additional MYSQL Database[H.2] Source of Website Content100% migrate from old websiteBuild from scratchHow you are going to produce the structure and content of the new website?[H.3] The URL of Your Prefer Web Hosting VendorPlease Fill in the "URL" of the Prefer Web Hosting Vendor that you are going to store your web-pages (if applicable)[H.4] Prefer Web Hosting Plan NamePrefer Web Hosting Plan Name that you are going to subscribe based on [G.3]PreviousNext[I] Service Need -Domain Email RegistrationApply for the Domain Email Service from the Web Hosting Vendor Company.[I.1] The URL of Your Prefer Domain Email VendorThe URL of the Domain Email Vendor Company that you prefer to use.[I.2] Prefer Domain Email Plan NamePrefer Domain Email Plan Name that you are going to subscribe based on [I.2][I.3] Minimum No. of Domain Email Address you needDomain Email Address is the email address with your company domain. e.g.[I.4] Do you need SMTP Sending FunctionYesNoSMTP Sending Function make you can send out your email in your Mobile Phone | Outlook | iPad. (i.e. otherwise you can only send out your email by login your webmail.)PreviousNext[J] Service Need - Domain DNS Migration | RedirectPointing the DNS from one web hosting to another.[J.1] Need Service - DNS Migration | Redirect-- Please Select --MigrationRedirect[J.2] URL - "From" DNS Control PanelThe URL of the DNS Panel where your DNS now is pointing to.[J.3] Login - "From" DNS Control PanelLogin of your "From" DNS Panel[J.4] Password - "From" DNS Control PanelPassword of your "From" DNS Control Panel[J.5] URL - "To" DNS Control PanelThe URL of the DNS Control Panel where your DNS now is going to point to.[J.6] Login - "To" DNS Control PanelLogin of your "To" Web Hosting Control Panel[J.7] Password - "To" DNS Control PanelPassword of your "To" Web Hosting Control Panel[J.8] "To" DNS Name Server 1The DNS Name Server 1 of the Web Hosting Company[J.9] "To" DNS Name Server 2The DNS Name Server 2 of the Web Hosting CompanyPreviousPhoneSubmit