不難發現,在香港,甚至全世界,越賺錢的公司,越不想令人可以跟它們自己聯絡,這實在令筆者要反醒一下自己那麼容易比客人找到,隨傳隨到,是不是反映了自己公司不夠大! (曲)
好說回正題。很遺憾,這個標題給了一點(不是全部)假希望給大家。找了幾天時間,即使知道了FACEBOOK 香港總部在港島鰂魚涌太古坊一座,(編者按 : 2019年6月還在總部設立了Facebook 直播室),還是找不到一個直線電話可以聯絡Hong Kong Facebook的客戶服務熱線 (Customer Service Hotline)。
各位只要在連結最後的 「 <<YourFBAdsID>>」,改為自己Facebook Ads ID,再去訪客這個連結就可以了。
(如果你不知道自己的Facebook Ads ID , 我建議你還是直接使用我們的服務吧!)
前題是,你必須要擁有一個Facebook Ads ID (Facebook 廣告賬戶碼號)。這也很合理。所謂「客戶服務熱線」,未賺你錢的,又怎算是「客戶」!。
順帶一提,上次接到FB 客服的電話是從新加坡打來的,他只會說英文。如果大家接到說廣東話的客服,不妨在這裡留言告訴我一下。謝謝!
也可以到這裡查看每日的著數: https://diamonddm.com.hk/blog/jetso/jetso-now/
Hi, my instagram account was disabled my mistake and the reason l was disabled was because l impersonated someone. However l didn’t impersonate anyone!!!!!! Can you help me
Dear Daniel,
Our team has sent an email to you about this situation, please kindly check!
Diamond Digital Marketing Team
Dear Daniel,
Our team has sent an email to you about this situation, please kindly check!
Diamond Digital Marketing Team
Dear Nat,
Our team has sent an email to you about this situation, please kindly check!
Diamond Digital Marketing Team
My instagram account was disabled by mistakes, and l was so hopeless! Can you help Me?
To whom may concern,
I am writing to complain the unreasoned removal of my instagram account recently. On 25/8 , my instagram account ycy__private was abruptly suspended from public due to violations of your companies community guideline. You said that the reason I was suspended was that I impersonated someone else. I think you should be saying that I pretend to be a female of my profile. This female is a famous Hollywood actress, Gal Gadot, and she is better known as the Wonder Woman who performed at DC, and I am a fan of Wonder Woman. I admire the actress very much, so I put her on my profile and didn’t intend to pretend to be her. Also, I didn’t use her roles to make any posts on IG. The content of all my posts are all my personal life content, plus the actress’s IG has already been verified (double blue ticks), so it doesn’t make much sense when you said l pretend her and it is meaningless. So it was a big mistake
However, I haven’t received any warning beforehand addressing your companies’ accusations. I have read your community guideline regarding the allegations on my account and I haven’t aware any terms being violated from my account.
l apologize if l violated any community guidelines but l have read through the community guidelines which l didn’t violate any of them. l didn’t post any nude photos and videos, l did not bully and post any harmful contents. So it was a big mistake.
Over the past 26 days, I have tried to reach your company to appeal my case through email and the medium your company have provided actively , and they said they could not reactivate my account due to the violation of IG’s community guidelines which l did not violate any of them with the above explanation. The suspended account is very important to me, it had been active since 2017 and l have posted approximately 500 posts, all my followers are my close friends and every post records all the dribs and drabs in my life. I hope you attach importance to this matter and help settle it as soon as possible.
This account is very important to me, and l will get back my account whatever it takes, and l hope you are reading this and you can carefully review and return account to me. Please contact me. Thank You!
我的個人 facebook 被停權,現在想以企業管理平台 claim 回依附於個人帳戶上的 Facebook 專頁,請問有方法嗎?
Dear Winnie,
Our team has sent an email to you about this situation, please kindly check!
Diamond Digital Marketing Team
Dear Tang,
Our team has sent an email to you about this situation, please kindly check!
Diamond Digital Marketing Team
Dear Hayley,
Our team has sent an email to you about this situation, please kindly check!
Diamond Digital Marketing Team