近期電商界的熱話必定和Instagram 有關!事源Instagram 大舉進攻網店市場,並推出不少購物功能,例如「產品標籤」、「IG結帳」等功能,目標是為Instagram 用戶創造出更方便流暢的消費體驗,讓用戶彷彿走進實際店般,瀏覽各項熱銷商品。事不宜遲,立即介紹Instagram的強大購物功能。
顧客在哪裡看見 IG Shop 的購物帖子?
如果顧客本來就有追蹤你的IG店,他們可以直接可以在他們 Instagram 的追蹤頁面,看見你的購物帖子。
如果顧客對你的商店或產品有興趣,並追蹤了你的IG店或收藏了你IG店的產品,那他們就可以在「你追蹤的品牌」Brands you Follow /「我的收藏 – 購物」Saved – Shopping 看見你的購物帖子。
IG Shop 店主必用4大 IG Shopping功能
Product Tag
有產品標籤的帖子在相片的左下角會出現「購物袋圖示」(Shopping Bag Icon)。當Instagram 用戶點擊相片後,相片就會自動出現「產品標籤」即Product Tag,當中會包括 1) 產品名稱 2) 產品價格
Product Description
當Instagram 用戶點擊「產品標籤」後,就會跳至產品頁面,顧客可以在「產品說明」中,得悉更多有關心儀產品的資訊,例如產品的成份,生產地,尺寸……
商戶應避免在「相片貼文」和「產品說明」使用相同的內文。試回想整個IG 用戶體驗過程,顧客首先看見你IG店的帖子並感興趣,才會點擊「產品標籤」、「產品說明」,藉以了解更多產品的細節。因此,「相片貼文」和「產品說明」在內容上的功能是完全不同!在「相片貼文」中,你可以提出你的產品如何能滿足目標客戶的需求,而「產品說明」則展示更多產品細節,強化目標客戶對你產品的理解和興趣。
Other Functions
另外,當顧客點擊「產品標籤」後,在產品頁面中,除了有「產品說明」外,亦有功能方便IG 用戶瀏覽商家各項熱銷產品!
1. 「包含此商品的貼文」Posts with this item:
2. 「一起設為精選」Featured together:
3. 「更多商店的貼文」More posts:
4. 「更多來自此商店的產品」More from this shop:
這幾項功能令IG 用戶可以更方便瀏覽商家各項熱銷產品的相片帖子,因此對IG 店主來說訂立一個統一鮮明的貼文風格相比以前變得更為重要!
雖然Instagram 已開通結賬功能(Instagram Checkout) ,即是IG用戶不需要再由IG轉跳至商戶的網頁或App ,都可以直接完成結帳程序完成購買流程!
了解更多:Instagram 增設IG Shop 結帳功能!
若您是希望使用Instagram 結帳功能的香港IG 店主,並且希望在結帳功能擴展至香港時,第一時間收到「Instagram 官方通知」,請前往 Instagram 官方網站填寫表格。
若你是IG 店主想使用以上提到的各項Instagram購物功能,你必須符合以下條件:
1. 你必須擁有 Instagram 商業帳戶。您的 Instagram 普通帳戶需要切換成商業帳戶即Instagram Business Account。
2. 你必須擁有Facebook 專頁。 您的 Instagram 商業帳戶必須與你的Facebook 專頁以及 Facebook 目錄連結。
3. 你的IG 店只能銷售實體產品。 換言之,Instagram 購物帖子不能推廣服務,例如會計、保險、健康美容療程、機票酒店住宿預訂票……另外,有部分產品Instagram 是禁止銷售,詳細資料可以向我們的顧問查詢。
“Tagging Production” function in IG, you have to find an Authorized IG Partner for you to apply for this function. Can you help me ?
Hi, I am from HK and I have already set up FB catalog and connected my business FB to the business IG, and I do want to activate the shopping function on IG, but, the system said that my current location is not eligible for the IG shopping function, could you offer me some solutions for my business? Thank you!
i have business instagram and facebook page, i want to enable Instagram shopping (no need payment) but seems Hong kong is not available for that function? Is there anyway I can set it up?
Hi, I have an IG business account, have linked the FB to IG, have set up the catalogue. But didn’t see shopping function in settings and can’t submit for review. What should I do?
Hello, I am based in Hong Kong I have connected FB page to instagram business already, i have also created my catalouge, but on the Instagram App says “Instagram Shopping is not available for your market” after I click submit for review.
Can you please share why?
Dear Coral
Our team has sent email to you about this situation, please kindly check it.
Diamond Digital Marketing Team
Dear Georgia
Our team has sent email to you about this situation, please kindly check it!
Diamond Digital Marketing Team
Dear Cody
Our team has sent email to you about this situation, please check it!
Diamond Digital Marketing Team
Hi there,
FB shows “Instagram Shopping isn’t available in your region”, would like to know what should I do to activate it ? Feel free to email me.
have IG business account, and linked to the FB catalogue. But FB shows “Instagram Shopping isn’t available in your region”, would like to know what should I do to activate it ?
–> same question, would you please let me know